Vikhorevka, Irkutsk region, st. Dzerzhinsky, 4a


We offer pine seedlings with a closed root system from the 16th forest seed district.

Our seedlings are grown according to all reforestation standards and rules, and undergo annual inspections by specialists from the forestry and Forest Protection Center of the Irkutsk Region.

We use a ready-made high-quality peat nutrient mixture prepared according to a recipe for coniferous plants, which undergoes laboratory testing.

In a peat cup with a volume of 85 cm³, the healthy root system is well-formed and completely envelops the peat lump, as we use growing cassettes with vertical slits and guiding ribs in the cell walls, which contribute to the most natural and correct root system development. The roots branch strongly and, reaching the slits in the cell walls, undergo "air treatment", which, in turn, promotes the formation of active root tips ready to grow when seedlings are planted in the forest. Thanks to good growing conditions, our seedlings meet the standards of Rosleshoz.

For each batch of planting material, we provide a package of documents in accordance with reforestation rules:

certificate for sowing material
passport for planting material

The cost of seedlings includes packaging of planting material.
A discount is provided for purchasing a large batch.

Height: from 8-10 cm.
The thickness of the stem at the root collar is 2 mm.
Age: from 1 to 2 years.

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