LLC "Hunting and fishing industry" makes briquettes from waste of the woodworking industry – sawdust of coniferous species.
There is no glue or other binding elements in the composition of the briquettes.
The briquette gains strength and shape due to strong pressing and maximum drying.
Therefore, their burning does not harm human health. The main advantage of briquettes is 2 times higher gorenje temperature than that of firewood. At a humidity of 20%, the calorific value of wood is 2500-2700 kcal / kg, briquette — 4500-4900 kcal / kg. And there are simple and logical explanations for this: 1. Briquettes have low humidity. The lower the humidity of the firewood, the higher their heat transfer. The normal moisture content of wood with proper storage is 15-20%. Briquettes have a humidity of 6-8% and is achieved by forced drying — a mandatory stage of their production. 2. Briquettes have a high density.Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.
The density of briquettes is 1.5-2 times higher than, for example, the density of birch or larch, namely 0.95-1g / cm3. Correspondingly higher
Size: 150*100*60 Density: 950 kg/m3 Ash content 1% Calorific value: 4500 kcal/kg Packing: 12 blocks/10.0 kg Weight of one unit: 840g.